Monday 28 May 2012

28 May, day 5

Day five and the puppies are pretty strong and gaining weight rapidly. Seven puppies were born but sadly one died two days ago. We found it dead in the morning and it was very sad. It was however very weak to start with and lost 10 g when the others gained 40 g on average. We tried to give it supplement and it seemed as if it was eating but it wasn´t enough. It´s buried and we hope it will rest in peace.

I have a video of sleeping puppies today. Flexi is taking well deserved breaks now and then and this video was shot during one of them.

Friday 25 May 2012

Dag två

Andra dagen i valparnas liv. De äter och sover. Jag har en liten video av det.

Second day. The puppies are eating and sleeping as they should. I´m posting a small video where you can see them feeding off Flexi.

Thursday 24 May 2012

It´s been a while but now we are back. We have been contemplating taking a litter off Zamora for some time. This year she seemed to be in season just in time for delivery in the beginning of summer so we thought we should give it  a go. We found a very nice dog named Nelson in a village close to us. Zamora and Nelson met a few times but unfortunately the chemistry wasn´t there.

Nelson also met Flexi and they seemed to get along great. Apparently Flexi was in season as well.
It wasn´t the plan but we decided to give it a go with Flexi instead of Zamora..

So last night just before midnight the whelping began.

One of the puppies is eating lying on its back. Laid back!

The whelping was finished 9.00 a.m, this morning so in all nine hours. The result was seven puppies just like the first time. It was spot on the predicted date. Two white ones and the rest brown/black/white.