Tuesday 2 June 2009

There's a riot going on...

Good morning.

I woke up at 3.30 because I could hear there was a big kerfuffle in the kitchen. I went downstairs and found puppies everywhere. Flexi was clearly annoyed because there was no where to go for here without being pestered by hungry puppies.

This is clearly a health and safety issue since they tried to chew on my feet when I entered the kitchen. I can imagine if I was a sleepwalker dreaming about alligators in the Everglades upon entering the kitchen. Wouldn't a puppy nibbling a toe add a whole new level of reality to that dream?

The puppies where really hungry so I made a big nice meal for them. The food only needs soaking for 10 minutes now. I am not liquidising it anymore and this morning I sprinkled some non soaked food on top of the soaked. That seemed to work well and as I write this they are all sleeping again.

They are also really good at drinking water from a bowl. That's reassuring on hot days like these. This morning after the big escape they had finished all of Flexis water.

I shall rearrange the sleeping quarters for the puppies during the day so that they can have more space and their own water.

I will now finish my tea and go back to bed as soon as I have checked if there's anything interesting on eBay.

Cheers, Per

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